Every Dental Practice Should Include A SmileLAB

Teeth whitening at the dental office has come a long way from its inception over twenty years ago as a nightguard filled with weak bleaching gel used by patients while they slept. Various modifications of this “custom-made take-home trays” method are still being utilized today. Then came in-office chairside light-accelerated power bleaching systems that sped up the whitening process considerably, but this came at a price to both the dental practice and their patients.

Current popular power bleaching systems cost the dentist considerably in equipment and treatment kit pricing, and by the most well know system today, Zoom!™, they even require and regulate their proprietary light to only function when using their whitening kits by use of a microchip that unlocks the light for a certain amount of measured time. Another cost, this one to the patient, is not only the high fee he or she must pay for the treatment, but also the frequent incidence of tooth sensitivity in the form of very short, sporadic, electric-type shocks, known “affectionately” as Zings, that may occur many times a day or night.

These Zings were not permanent, but could last from 2-4 weeks after treatment was completed. This sensitivity can be attributed to the heat of the light raising pulpal tissue temperatures, along with the desiccation caused by the procedure’s use of a gel that is painted onto the exposed teeth, that are then left to remain in the open air for an hour or more while the treatment light is on. This results in a temporary reversible pulpitis, manifesting itself in the form of the Zings.

So what can dentists do? They can change to using the SmileLABS™ Cosmetic Teeth Whitening System. Our SmileLABS™ Infinity™ Series Accelerator lights use safe, cool LED light technology that emits no harmful radiation or heat. Our water-based hydrogen peroxide bleaching gel is left in contact with the teeth for only a maximum of two 15-20 minutes sessions, with a complete water rinse and flush between sessions, that allows the dentition to remain hydradted and prevents the severe desiccation so often associated with the Zoom!™ treatment. The SmileLABS™ Cosmetic Teeth Whitening System eliminates the very problematic and negative consequences of the Zings from the dental practice!

The cost of our custom package for dentists includes a light, marketing materials, and plenty of treatment kits to get started using the SmileLABS™ Cosmetic Teeth Whitening Chairside Power-bleaching system. Replacement kits are only a maximum of $19 each. Call SmileLABS™ for our special bulk order discount pricing.

If the dentist only wants to do the take-home custom trays method, our SmileLABS™ Cosmetic Teeth Whitening Take Home Kits are reasonably priced both for the doctor and the patient, and eliminate the need to make stone models and vacu-formed custom trays. This saves valuable chair- and staff-hours spent fabricating appliances. All of our SmileLABS™ Cosmetic Teeth Whitening Systems and Products are guaranteed to result in visibly whiter teeth with little to no sensitivity.

So, if you own a dental practice and want to do the best for your patients in teeth whitening, then your next step is to call 866-361-6237 toll free and set up a Discovery Meeting webinar. When you do so, you will be only 10 days or less away from adding SmileLABS™ Cosmetic Teeth Whitening Systems and Products to your successful dental practice. Pick up the phone and call right now!


Dental Hygienists & Assistants Are Ideal Candidates

We like to say that anyone, from any walk of life, can do the SmileLABS™ Cosmetic Teeth Whitening business. You don’t have to have any kind of dental or healthcare related experience whatsoever to do cosmetic teeth whitening. In fact, it doesn’t even matter that you have any experience other than “life” experience to do cosmetic teeth whitening; you could be just out of school and this could be your very first “job”. Or, you could be a mother that stayed at home to raise the children, but now that they have moved out, you are looking for a business opportunity to give you something to do or to bring in some income to the household. But, if you do have a dental background, such as a dental hygienist or dental assistant, you are in a perfect position for doing this business for many reasons.

It may be that you already are doing cosmetic teeth whitening in the dental practice where you work as a hygienist or assistant. If so, then you are way ahead when it comes to knowing how to do different teeth whitening procedures. When you learn how to do SmileLABS™ Cosmetic Teeth Whitening, you will be very pleasantly surprised to learn how much simpler our procedure is compared to what you’ve already been doing. You won’t be placing your fingers or instruments in your customers’ mouths. In fact, you won’t touch your SmileLABS™’ customers at all! You, yourself, won’t be making any impressions of teeth, nor will you have a lot of lab work to do to fabricate any appliances for your customers, unlike what you might have done at your dental office. Your duties in a SmileLABS™ Cosmetic Teeth Whitening business are to simply guide your customers through a self-administered procedure.

What will make your choice of owning a SmileLABS™ Cosmetic Teeth Whitening business a perfect match for you is that you already have the poise, confidence, gentle people skills, and self- assurance to be able to meet, greet, and assist your customers in a cosmetic teeth whitening procedure. Compared to what you’ve been doing at your dental office, this procedure will be a breeze to learn and do, so you can use the inter-personal people skills that you already have to the most benefit for you and your SmileLABS™ Cosmetic Teeth Whitening business. In fact, one of the hardest things you’ll have to do in this business is to not do anything invasive with your customers or give them any dental advice regarding the condition of their mouths, etc. You will have to curtail those activities completely, and that may take a little restraint on your part at first. But, you’ll soon become accustomed to the SmileLABS™ Cosmetic Teeth Whitening procedures, and you’ll be a natural at this opportunity in no time!

Your next step is to schedule an online SmileLABS™ Discovery Meeting to learn everything about the SmileLABS™ Cosmetic Teeth Whitening business opportunity and to have all your questions answered. You may even schedule your SmileLABS™ Discovery Meeting. We would be happy to answer all your questions and help you open your SmileLABS™ business within 10 days. Call today!